修丽可LHA爽肤水LHA Toner 专为老化、油性和暗疮皮肤而设计,含有三种去角质酸,可有效去除污垢、死皮细胞和残留物,同时具有缩小毛孔的功效。α和β羟基酸让这款爽肤水的pH 值更有利于麸皮,有助于改善明显的老化迹象,有效去角质,让皮肤更透亮。

皮肤问题:痤疮 | 老化 | 色斑
适用皮肤类型:油性 | 混合性


每天两次,使用修丽可祛痘控油洁面啫喱 LHA Cleanser 后,将少量喷在棉球上,均匀涂抹于脸部,颈部和胸部。

5% 主要活性成分


  • 去除污垢,多余油脂和死皮细胞
  • 疏通毛孔
  • 改善皮肤质感,让肤色更均匀
  • 改善皮肤衰老现象

Designed for aging skin prone to breakouts, Blemish + Age Solution is formulated with a triple combination of exfoliating agents to efficiently remove excess residue and surface cells to decongest pores.

  • Provides precise and even exfoliation to unclog pores
  • LHA diminishes surface signs of age including discoloration, fine lines, wrinkles, and rough texture
  • Helps improve skin tone and texture
  • Removes dirt, oil, and other cellular debris that lead to breakouts

How to use:

Twice daily after using LHA Cleansing Gel, spray a small amount onto a cotton ball and smooth over face, neck and chest.

Key ingredients:

LHA: A lipo-hydroxy acid, LHA exfoliates the skin, decongests clogged pores, refines the skin’s surface and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Glycolic acid: This AHA eliminates dead skin cell buildup and improves skin hydration.

Salicylic acid: This beta-hydroxy acid refines the pores and helps reduce acne.